
Welcome to Miss Molly and Aspergers! :)

Hello there, welcome to my blog Miss Molly and Aspergers! My name is Molly and I am a teenage girl with Aspergers Syndrome.

I have created this blog to help create awareness of Autism Spectrum Disorder.

TIP: Search Aspergers on Facebook and you will find dozens of amazing communities and support networks! If you choose to interact in one of these communities, you may even make some great friends who are also Aspies, like I have.

Why you may find use in my blog:
Insight, support, self-research/experience and understanding (awareness) will be covered in the content of Miss Molly and Aspergers, including the following subjects and more:

- Bullying/dealing with peers
- Surviving in social situations
- Hobbies/Obsessions and Interests
- School/Life
- Communication - Social skills - Understanding spoken and unspoken language norms.
- Sensory Issues/ sound, smell, sight, taste, feel, (textures) - the ability to experience heightened senses - and coping with the strong diversions (intolerance)
- Importance of Routine and Structure
- Friendships
- Coping with Meltdowns and dealing with the aftermath (consequences - I.e Social embarrassment)
- Dealing with people who do not acknowledge the existence of The Autism Spectrum (ASD). People who therefore are unable to acknowledge the rhyme and reasons for your differences.

Copy Cats Beware

© Molly Tylor and Miss Molly and Aspergers, 2013-2014. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Molly Tylor and Miss Molly and Aspergers with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

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Wednesday, April 17, 2013

My Recent Thoughts - Maybe You Can Relate?

Today I feel alone. My only true friend is not here at school today. So I have taken this opportunity to write about how Aspies can feel alone while surrounded by people.

Having Aspergers makes it difficult for us to develop socially. It's hard for us to make friends, and it's rare (particularly in my case) to find someone I truly click with and have them accept me and tolerate my differences.

Our differences aren't a bad thing, they make us who we are. But many cannot tolerate the way we are. Our awkwardness in conversations, our lack of or too much eye contact, our shyness, literalness and sometimes inappropriate responses in conversations.

My particular issue is I ask too many questions; clarifying, I'm always trying to prevent making mistakes (particularly in the work environment). I don't like to make mistakes.

By asking and clarifying I feel I'm making a mistake in its self and I worry about how people feel about my excessive question asking. This is something I can't really help especially because the people around me are so critical of me when I do make a mistake.

I do make an effort to talk and be friendly, but it just seems too hard to try and establish new friendships. I retreat and find it easier to sit on my own and do my own thing (When I don't have my best friend with me).

Today's blog post is just about my recent thoughts to let you all know how I'm feeling at this moment. I can summaries this in one sentence: I feel alone in an environment of people who cannot tolerate me.

Can you relate?