I am extremely sorry I have not been around for awhile now!
As the title suggests I am now living in Perth, Western Australia. After leaving Queensland for good in July.
I have so much to share with you all! But I want to keep this post simple, because myself the queen of detailing could easily write forever! Haha! (An Aspergers trait)
I now live in a lovely suburb just outside of Perth! I have a beautiful new home! There will be pictures to come!
Leaving behind my pets (how it affects an Aspie):
I had to leave two of my cats behind in Queensland. For a person with Aspergers it is very heartbreaking. I know it is hard enough for a neurotypical person.
People with Aspergers very commonly grow attachments to their pets. This is because our pets are really sometimes the only ones who listen to us. They never judge us.
We feel accepted by them and we are not required to explain our behaviors to them.
We feel accepted by them and we are not required to explain our behaviors to them.
My new schooling:
As for schooling I am now doing Distance TAFE. A certificate which will grant me year 12 equivalency and access to further learning and career choices.
I am quite happy with this arrangement as it gives me a nice break from the pressure to socially interact everyday with people I am not use to.
My developed Social Anxiety:
That brings me to another subject!
My social anxiety has become extremely prevalent and increasing worse over the past few months!
Social anxiety usually comes in hand with Aspergers.
This is because we begin to doubt ourselves as we grow older into our teenage years and adulthood. We become more aware of how our actions are being received by other people around us.
This is because we begin to doubt ourselves as we grow older into our teenage years and adulthood. We become more aware of how our actions are being received by other people around us.
I am now finding it increasingly difficult to look people in the eye. When I become within a close distance to people I don't know I become anixous. This is causes my facial muscles to tighen making it hard for me to smile.
I would like to know if you experience this and can relate?
I would also like to make those aware who meet me that this fear and anxiety I have (even around people close to me) is nothing personally to do with you!
This is my own anxiety; stemmed from self doubt, fear of rejection and being misunderstood.
One of the best things you can do for me and other people with Aspergers and Social Anxiety is to expect no eye contact from us. Accept it if we look away while you talk to us. We greatly appreciate it when people do this for us.
A big thank you!
I must thank you all for supporting me through the last two years! I began Miss Molly and Aspergers at 15 years old and I have grown and developed so much since. I am sure this is evident to you.
Again I am really sorry I have not kept update with blogging. However now I can make the effort to. I have moved away from the difficulties I had in Queensland.
Again I am really sorry I have not kept update with blogging. However now I can make the effort to. I have moved away from the difficulties I had in Queensland.
So now I am starting a fresh new life which is certain to bring you all very brand new perspective to my daily life living with Aspergers.
~ Molly xo
P.S Oops this post did not end up very simple. Hehe. :)
P.S Oops this post did not end up very simple. Hehe. :)
Want to see what I have been up to?
Below are my links to my hobby pages on Facebook:
My photography: https://www.facebook.com/MissMollysPhotography?ref=hl
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